Rabu, 23 Januari 2008


Thu 24 jan 2008
Libur tlah tibaaaaa
Rencana berlibur????dimanakah tempat berlibur yang kira-kiranya akan membuat saya merasa segar tapi sekaligus dapat menambah ketajaman focus saya!!hhheemmmm…tempat dimana saya dapat melupakan semua kejadian pilu…saya benar-benar membutuhkan waktu untuk rileksasi.

time to rest

wed 23 jan 2008
Time to rest
How do you know when to sit down and take five???? well for a start look backwards through your life…are you sleeping?? eight hours is good.
Mother said, “eat your breakfast” …do you??? Force yourself, find something you like and eat in the morning- forget the label “breakfast” if this makes you feel nauseated.
Vitamin may sound like hog-wash, aromatherapy, massage, anything “HIPPY” is trippy (try shiatsu..)
Now let us look at the most excellent way : develop a positive attitude (buy a book if you have to!!) , just remember…when to stop and have a rest???when your body tells you to…listen to yourself!!

bandung bandung.

tue22 jan 2008
After I stepped off my car somewhere around bandung, i thought “ damn where the hell is this place I’m meant to go??”. Bandung turned out to be a seriously good place to hang-out, with good spots around every corner. I was hangin out with my friend dea. Oow by the way, I’ve known dea for a few years and right from first moment I knew that he was a cool guy. He’s one of those people who are really modest about their abilities, he keeps it quiet and pays more attention to what else is doing, and then when you’re not expecting it he goes off and surprise the legs of you. A sick guitarist and a good friend. But enough about him!! This blog is about me…
Anyways, I’m just writing in to tell all you guys that life is not so complicated after all!!

Selasa, 22 Januari 2008


ini blog pertama..nyobain dl ah..